
barney 2 years ago
parent 2054e2f35d
commit 14103295da
  1. 7
  2. BIN
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. BIN
  7. BIN
  8. BIN
  9. BIN
  10. 51
  11. 32
  12. 18
  13. 40
  14. 162
  15. 39
  16. 376
  17. 19

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#kof {
width: 960px;
height: 540px;
background-image: url('/static/images/background/0.gif');
background-size: 200% 100%;
background-position: top;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 147 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 13 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.4 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
class AcGameObject {
constructor() {
this.time_delta = 0; // 距离上一帧的事件间隔
this.has_call_start = false; // 是否调用过start函数
start() { // 最开始执行一次
update() { // 每一帧执行一次(除了第一帧)
destory() {
for (let i in AC_GAME_OBJECTS) {
if (AC_GAME_OBJECTS[i] === this) {
let last_timestamp; // 上一帧执行完的时刻
// timestamp: 当前时刻
let AC_GAME_OBJECT_FRAME = (timestamp) => {
for (let obj of AC_GAME_OBJECTS) { // 所有对象执行一次start函数
if (obj.has_call_start === false) {
obj.has_call_start = true;
else {
obj.time_delta = timestamp - last_timestamp;
last_timestamp = timestamp;
requestAnimationFrame(AC_GAME_OBJECT_FRAME); // 递归执行该函数
export {

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { GameMap } from '/static/js/game_map/base.js'
import { Kyo } from './player/kyo.js';
class KOF{
constructor(id) {
this.$kof = $('#' + id);
this.gamemap = new GameMap(this); // root都是指kof对象
this.players = [
new Kyo(this,{
id: 0,
x: 100,
y: 0,
width: 120,
height: 200,
color: 'blue',
new Kyo(this,{
id: 1,
x: 740,
y: 0,
width: 120,
height: 200,
color: 'red',
export {

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
export class Controller {
constructor($canvas) {
this.$canvas = $canvas;
this.press_keys = new Set();
start() { // 自定义按键事件,保证按下一个键只存一次键值
let outer = this;
this.$canvas.keydown(function(e) {
this.$canvas.keyup(function(e) {

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { AcGameObject } from '/static/js/ac_game_object/base.js'
import { Controller } from '../controller/base.js';
class GameMap extends AcGameObject {
constructor(root) {
this.root = root; // KOF对象
this.$canvas = $('<canvas width="960" height="540" tabindex=0></canvas>');
this.ctx = this.$canvas[0].getContext('2d'); // 获取上下文,canvas对象
this.root.$kof.append(this.$canvas); // 将canvas加入$kof中,this.root.$kof是class=kof的div
this.$canvas.focus(); // 聚焦
this.controller = new Controller(this.$canvas);
start() {
update() {
render() {
// console.log(this.ctx.canvas.width,this.ctx.canvas.height); // 打印canvas的宽高
// console.log(this.$canvas.width());
// this.ctx.fillStyle = "#21252b"; // 画布的颜色
// // this.ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.ctx.canvas.width,this.ctx.canvas.height); // 画矩形
// this.ctx.fillRect(0,0,this.$canvas.width(),this.$canvas.height());
export {

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
import { AcGameObject } from "../ac_game_object/base.js";
export class Player extends AcGameObject {
constructor(root, info) {
this.root = root;
this.id = info.id; // 人物id
this.x = info.x; // 人物坐标
this.y = info.y;
this.width = info.width; // 人物大小
this.height = info.height;
this.color = info.color; // 人物颜色
this.vx = 0; // 横纵方向的移动速度
this.vy = 0;
this.speedx = 400; // 水平速度初始速度
this.speedy = -1000; // 跳起的初始速度
this.gravity = 50; // 重力加速度
this.ctx = this.root.gamemap.ctx; // 获取canvas对象
this.direction = 1; // 1:向右 -1:向左
// 0:idle 1:向前 2:向后 3:跳跃 4:攻击 5:被打 6: 死亡
this.status = 3; // 人物当前状态(总共七种状态)
this.press_keys = this.root.gamemap.controller.press_keys; // 用户按下的所有键值
this.animations = new Map(); // 每个动作动画的配置
this.current_frame_cnt = 0; // 当前加载了多少帧
start() {
update_controll() {
let w, a, d, space;
// 两个用户使用不同的按键
if (this.id === 0) {
w = this.press_keys.has('w'); // 跳
a = this.press_keys.has('a'); // 左移
d = this.press_keys.has('d'); // 右移
space = this.press_keys.has(' '); // 停
} else {
w = this.press_keys.has('ArrowUp');
a = this.press_keys.has('ArrowLeft');
d = this.press_keys.has('ArrowRight');
space = this.press_keys.has('Enter');
// 0表示静止 1表示移动 3表示跳跃
if (this.status === 0 || this.status === 1) {
if (space) { // 攻击状态
this.status = 4;
this.vx = 0;
this.current_frame_cnt = 0;
else if (w) { // 如果按的是跳
if (d) {
this.vx = this.speedx;
} else if (a) {
this.vx = -this.speedx;
} else {
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = this.speedy;
this.status = 3;
this.current_frame_cnt = 0;
} else if (d) {
this.vx = this.speedx;
this.status = 1;
} else if (a) {
this.vx = -this.speedx;
this.status = 1;
} else {
this.vx = 0;
this.status = 0;
update_direction() { // 保证两个人物是对称的
let players = this.root.players;
if (players[0] && players[1]) {
let me = this, you = players[1 - this.id];
if (me.x < you.x) me.direction = 1; // 向右
else me.direction = -1; // 向左
update_move() {
this.vy += this.gravity;
// 改变x,y轴坐标
this.x += this.vx * this.time_delta / 1000;
this.y += this.vy * this.time_delta / 1000;
if (this.y > 300) {
this.y = 300;
if (this.status === 3) this.status = 0;
if (this.x < 0) {
this.x = 0;
} else if (this.x + this.width > this.root.gamemap.$canvas.width()) {
this.x = this.root.gamemap.$canvas.width() - this.width;
update() {
render() {
// this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color; // 画布的颜色
// this.ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); // 画人物
let status = this.status;
if (this.status === 1 && this.direction * this.vx < 0) status = 2;
// 根据状态获取动画
let obj = this.animations.get(status);
if (obj && obj.loaded) {
if (this.direction > 0) {
let k = parseInt(this.current_frame_cnt / obj.frame_rate) % obj.frame_cnt; // 每5帧刷新一次
let image = obj.gif.frames[k].image; // 渲染第k张图片
this.ctx.drawImage(image, this.x, this.y + obj.offset_y, image.width * obj.scale, image.height * obj.scale);
} else {
this.ctx.scale(-1, 1);
this.ctx.translate(-this.root.gamemap.$canvas.width(), 0);
let k = parseInt(this.current_frame_cnt / obj.frame_rate) % obj.frame_cnt; // 每5帧刷新一次
let image = obj.gif.frames[k].image; // 渲染第k张图片
this.ctx.drawImage(image, this.root.gamemap.$canvas.width() - this.x - this.width, this.y + obj.offset_y, image.width * obj.scale, image.height * obj.scale);
if (status === 4) {
if (this.current_frame_cnt === obj.frame_rate * (obj.frame_cnt - 1)) {
this.status = 0;

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { Player } from "./base.js";
import { GIF } from '/static/js/utils/gif.js';
export class Kyo extends Player{
constructor(root,info) {
init_animations() {
let outer = this; // 要在下面的function中使用必须保存当前的this
let offsets = [0,-10,-10,0,0,0,0];
// 总共有七个动作
for (let i = 0 ; i < 7; i++) {
let gif = new GIF();
gif.load(`/static/images/player/kyo/${i}.gif`); // gif->images
this.animations.set(i, {
gif: gif,
frame_cnt: 0, // 总图片数
frame_rate: 5, // 每5帧过渡一次
offset_y: offsets[i], // y方向偏移量
loaded: false, // 是否加载完成
scale: 2, // 放大多少倍
// 加载动画
gif.onload = function() {
let obj = outer.animations.get(i); // 获取第i个动作
obj.frame_cnt = gif.frames.length; // 配置总图片数
obj.loaded = true; // 成功加载
if (i === 3) {
obj.frame_rate = 4;

@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
const GIF = function () {
// **NOT** for commercial use.
var timerID; // timer handle for set time out usage
var st; // holds the stream object when loading.
var interlaceOffsets = [0, 4, 2, 1]; // used in de-interlacing.
var interlaceSteps = [8, 8, 4, 2];
var interlacedBufSize; // this holds a buffer to de interlace. Created on the first frame and when size changed
var deinterlaceBuf;
var pixelBufSize; // this holds a buffer for pixels. Created on the first frame and when size changed
var pixelBuf;
const GIF_FILE = { // gif file data headers
GCExt: 0xF9,
APPExt: 0xFF,
UNKNOWN: 0x01, // not sure what this is but need to skip it in parser
IMAGE: 0x2C,
EOF: 59, // This is entered as decimal
EXT: 0x21,
// simple buffered stream used to read from the file
var Stream = function (data) {
this.data = new Uint8ClampedArray(data);
this.pos = 0;
var len = this.data.length;
this.getString = function (count) { // returns a string from current pos of len count
var s = "";
while (count--) { s += String.fromCharCode(this.data[this.pos++]) }
return s;
this.readSubBlocks = function () { // reads a set of blocks as a string
var size, count, data = "";
do {
count = size = this.data[this.pos++];
while (count--) { data += String.fromCharCode(this.data[this.pos++]) }
} while (size !== 0 && this.pos < len);
return data;
this.readSubBlocksB = function () { // reads a set of blocks as binary
var size, count, data = [];
do {
count = size = this.data[this.pos++];
while (count--) { data.push(this.data[this.pos++]); }
} while (size !== 0 && this.pos < len);
return data;
// LZW decoder uncompressed each frames pixels
// this needs to be optimised.
// minSize is the min dictionary as powers of two
// size and data is the compressed pixels
function lzwDecode(minSize, data) {
var i, pixelPos, pos, clear, eod, size, done, dic, code, last, d, len;
pos = pixelPos = 0;
dic = [];
clear = 1 << minSize;
eod = clear + 1;
size = minSize + 1;
done = false;
while (!done) { // JavaScript optimisers like a clear exit though I never use 'done' apart from fooling the optimiser
last = code;
code = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (data[pos >> 3] & (1 << (pos & 7))) { code |= 1 << i }
if (code === clear) { // clear and reset the dictionary
dic = [];
size = minSize + 1;
for (i = 0; i < clear; i++) { dic[i] = [i] }
dic[clear] = [];
dic[eod] = null;
} else {
if (code === eod) { done = true; return }
if (code >= dic.length) { dic.push(dic[last].concat(dic[last][0])) }
else if (last !== clear) { dic.push(dic[last].concat(dic[code][0])) }
d = dic[code];
len = d.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pixelBuf[pixelPos++] = d[i] }
if (dic.length === (1 << size) && size < 12) { size++ }
function parseColourTable(count) { // get a colour table of length count Each entry is 3 bytes, for RGB.
var colours = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { colours.push([st.data[st.pos++], st.data[st.pos++], st.data[st.pos++]]) }
return colours;
function parse() { // read the header. This is the starting point of the decode and async calls parseBlock
var bitField;
st.pos += 6;
gif.width = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
gif.height = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
bitField = st.data[st.pos++];
gif.colorRes = (bitField & 0b1110000) >> 4;
gif.globalColourCount = 1 << ((bitField & 0b111) + 1);
gif.bgColourIndex = st.data[st.pos++];
st.pos++; // ignoring pixel aspect ratio. if not 0, aspectRatio = (pixelAspectRatio + 15) / 64
if (bitField & 0b10000000) { gif.globalColourTable = parseColourTable(gif.globalColourCount) } // global colour flag
setTimeout(parseBlock, 0);
function parseAppExt() { // get application specific data. Netscape added iterations and terminator. Ignoring that
st.pos += 1;
if ('NETSCAPE' === st.getString(8)) { st.pos += 8 } // ignoring this data. iterations (word) and terminator (byte)
else {
st.pos += 3; // 3 bytes of string usually "2.0" when identifier is NETSCAPE
st.readSubBlocks(); // unknown app extension
function parseGCExt() { // get GC data
var bitField;
bitField = st.data[st.pos++];
gif.disposalMethod = (bitField & 0b11100) >> 2;
gif.transparencyGiven = bitField & 0b1 ? true : false; // ignoring bit two that is marked as userInput???
gif.delayTime = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
gif.transparencyIndex = st.data[st.pos++];
function parseImg() { // decodes image data to create the indexed pixel image
var deinterlace, frame, bitField;
deinterlace = function (width) { // de interlace pixel data if needed
var lines, fromLine, pass, toline;
lines = pixelBufSize / width;
fromLine = 0;
if (interlacedBufSize !== pixelBufSize) { // create the buffer if size changed or undefined.
deinterlaceBuf = new Uint8Array(pixelBufSize);
interlacedBufSize = pixelBufSize;
for (pass = 0; pass < 4; pass++) {
for (toLine = interlaceOffsets[pass]; toLine < lines; toLine += interlaceSteps[pass]) {
deinterlaceBuf.set(pixelBuf.subarray(fromLine, fromLine + width), toLine * width);
fromLine += width;
frame = {}
frame.disposalMethod = gif.disposalMethod;
frame.time = gif.length;
frame.delay = gif.delayTime * 10;
gif.length += frame.delay;
if (gif.transparencyGiven) { frame.transparencyIndex = gif.transparencyIndex }
else { frame.transparencyIndex = undefined }
frame.leftPos = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
frame.topPos = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
frame.width = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
frame.height = (st.data[st.pos++]) + ((st.data[st.pos++]) << 8);
bitField = st.data[st.pos++];
frame.localColourTableFlag = bitField & 0b10000000 ? true : false;
if (frame.localColourTableFlag) { frame.localColourTable = parseColourTable(1 << ((bitField & 0b111) + 1)) }
if (pixelBufSize !== frame.width * frame.height) { // create a pixel buffer if not yet created or if current frame size is different from previous
pixelBuf = new Uint8Array(frame.width * frame.height);
pixelBufSize = frame.width * frame.height;
lzwDecode(st.data[st.pos++], st.readSubBlocksB()); // decode the pixels
if (bitField & 0b1000000) { // de interlace if needed
frame.interlaced = true;
} else { frame.interlaced = false }
processFrame(frame); // convert to canvas image
function processFrame(frame) { // creates a RGBA canvas image from the indexed pixel data.
var ct, cData, dat, pixCount, ind, useT, i, pixel, pDat, col, frame, ti;
frame.image = document.createElement('canvas');
frame.image.width = gif.width;
frame.image.height = gif.height;
frame.image.ctx = frame.image.getContext("2d");
ct = frame.localColourTableFlag ? frame.localColourTable : gif.globalColourTable;
if (gif.lastFrame === null) { gif.lastFrame = frame }
useT = (gif.lastFrame.disposalMethod === 2 || gif.lastFrame.disposalMethod === 3) ? true : false;
if (!useT) { frame.image.ctx.drawImage(gif.lastFrame.image, 0, 0, gif.width, gif.height) }
cData = frame.image.ctx.getImageData(frame.leftPos, frame.topPos, frame.width, frame.height);
ti = frame.transparencyIndex;
dat = cData.data;
if (frame.interlaced) { pDat = deinterlaceBuf }
else { pDat = pixelBuf }
pixCount = pDat.length;
ind = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pixCount; i++) {
pixel = pDat[i];
col = ct[pixel];
if (ti !== pixel) {
dat[ind++] = col[0];
dat[ind++] = col[1];
dat[ind++] = col[2];
dat[ind++] = 255; // Opaque.
} else
if (useT) {
dat[ind + 3] = 0; // Transparent.
ind += 4;
} else { ind += 4 }
frame.image.ctx.putImageData(cData, frame.leftPos, frame.topPos);
gif.lastFrame = frame;
if (!gif.waitTillDone && typeof gif.onload === "function") { doOnloadEvent() }// if !waitTillDone the call onload now after first frame is loaded
// **NOT** for commercial use.
function finnished() { // called when the load has completed
gif.loading = false;
gif.frameCount = gif.frames.length;
gif.lastFrame = null;
st = undefined;
gif.complete = true;
gif.disposalMethod = undefined;
gif.transparencyGiven = undefined;
gif.delayTime = undefined;
gif.transparencyIndex = undefined;
gif.waitTillDone = undefined;
pixelBuf = undefined; // dereference pixel buffer
deinterlaceBuf = undefined; // dereference interlace buff (may or may not be used);
pixelBufSize = undefined;
deinterlaceBuf = undefined;
gif.currentFrame = 0;
if (gif.frames.length > 0) { gif.image = gif.frames[0].image }
if (typeof gif.onloadall === "function") {
(gif.onloadall.bind(gif))({ type: 'loadall', path: [gif] });
if (gif.playOnLoad) { gif.play() }
function canceled() { // called if the load has been cancelled
if (typeof gif.cancelCallback === "function") { (gif.cancelCallback.bind(gif))({ type: 'canceled', path: [gif] }) }
function parseExt() { // parse extended blocks
const blockID = st.data[st.pos++];
if (blockID === GIF_FILE.GCExt) { parseGCExt() }
else if (blockID === GIF_FILE.COMMENT) { gif.comment += st.readSubBlocks() }
else if (blockID === GIF_FILE.APPExt) { parseAppExt() }
else {
if (blockID === GIF_FILE.UNKNOWN) { st.pos += 13; } // skip unknow block
function parseBlock() { // parsing the blocks
if (gif.cancel !== undefined && gif.cancel === true) { canceled(); return }
const blockId = st.data[st.pos++];
if (blockId === GIF_FILE.IMAGE) { // image block
if (gif.firstFrameOnly) { finnished(); return }
} else if (blockId === GIF_FILE.EOF) { finnished(); return }
else { parseExt() }
if (typeof gif.onprogress === "function") {
gif.onprogress({ bytesRead: st.pos, totalBytes: st.data.length, frame: gif.frames.length });
setTimeout(parseBlock, 0); // parsing frame async so processes can get some time in.
function cancelLoad(callback) { // cancels the loading. This will cancel the load before the next frame is decoded
if (gif.complete) { return false }
gif.cancelCallback = callback;
gif.cancel = true;
return true;
function error(type) {
if (typeof gif.onerror === "function") { (gif.onerror.bind(this))({ type: type, path: [this] }) }
gif.onload = gif.onerror = undefined;
gif.loading = false;
function doOnloadEvent() { // fire onload event if set
gif.currentFrame = 0;
gif.nextFrameAt = gif.lastFrameAt = new Date().valueOf(); // just sets the time now
if (typeof gif.onload === "function") { (gif.onload.bind(gif))({ type: 'load', path: [gif] }) }
gif.onerror = gif.onload = undefined;
function dataLoaded(data) { // Data loaded create stream and parse
st = new Stream(data);
function loadGif(filename) { // starts the load
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.responseType = "arraybuffer";
ajax.onload = function (e) {
if (e.target.status === 404) { error("File not found") }
else if (e.target.status >= 200 && e.target.status < 300) { dataLoaded(ajax.response) }
else { error("Loading error : " + e.target.status) }
ajax.open('GET', filename, true);
ajax.onerror = function (e) { error("File error") };
this.src = filename;
this.loading = true;
function play() { // starts play if paused
if (!gif.playing) {
gif.paused = false;
gif.playing = true;
function pause() { // stops play
gif.paused = true;
gif.playing = false;
function togglePlay() {
if (gif.paused || !gif.playing) { gif.play() }
else { gif.pause() }
function seekFrame(frame) { // seeks to frame number.
gif.currentFrame = frame % gif.frames.length;
if (gif.playing) { playing() }
else { gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image }
function seek(time) { // time in Seconds // seek to frame that would be displayed at time
if (time < 0) { time = 0 }
time *= 1000; // in ms
time %= gif.length;
var frame = 0;
while (time > gif.frames[frame].time + gif.frames[frame].delay && frame < gif.frames.length) { frame += 1 }
gif.currentFrame = frame;
if (gif.playing) { playing() }
else { gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image }
function playing() {
var delay;
var frame;
if (gif.playSpeed === 0) {
} else {
if (gif.playSpeed < 0) {
gif.currentFrame -= 1;
if (gif.currentFrame < 0) { gif.currentFrame = gif.frames.length - 1 }
frame = gif.currentFrame;
frame -= 1;
if (frame < 0) { frame = gif.frames.length - 1 }
delay = -gif.frames[frame].delay * 1 / gif.playSpeed;
} else {
gif.currentFrame += 1;
gif.currentFrame %= gif.frames.length;
delay = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].delay * 1 / gif.playSpeed;
gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image;
timerID = setTimeout(playing, delay);
var gif = { // the gif image object
onload: null, // fire on load. Use waitTillDone = true to have load fire at end or false to fire on first frame
onerror: null, // fires on error
onprogress: null, // fires a load progress event
onloadall: null, // event fires when all frames have loaded and gif is ready
paused: false, // true if paused
playing: false, // true if playing
waitTillDone: true, // If true onload will fire when all frames loaded, if false, onload will fire when first frame has loaded
loading: false, // true if still loading
firstFrameOnly: false, // if true only load the first frame
width: null, // width in pixels
height: null, // height in pixels
frames: [], // array of frames
comment: "", // comments if found in file. Note I remember that some gifs have comments per frame if so this will be all comment concatenated
length: 0, // gif length in ms (1/1000 second)
currentFrame: 0, // current frame.
frameCount: 0, // number of frames
playSpeed: 1, // play speed 1 normal, 2 twice 0.5 half, -1 reverse etc...
lastFrame: null, // temp hold last frame loaded so you can display the gif as it loads
image: null, // the current image at the currentFrame
playOnLoad: true, // if true starts playback when loaded
// functions
load: loadGif, // call this to load a file
cancel: cancelLoad, // call to stop loading
play: play, // call to start play
pause: pause, // call to pause
seek: seek, // call to seek to time
seekFrame: seekFrame, // call to seek to frame
togglePlay: togglePlay, // call to toggle play and pause state
return gif;
export {

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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