You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class String extends Component {
state = { }
handleAdd = () => {
handleSub = () => {
render() {
return (
<h3>String组件: </h3>
<button className='btn btn-success' style={{marginRight: "10px"}} onClick={this.handleAdd}>add</button>
<button className='btn btn-info' onClick={this.handleSub}>sub</button>
// 将store保存的state值绑定到this.props
// state
// / \
// string number
const mapStateToProps = (state,props) => {
return {
string: state.string, // 将string的state值赋给props的string属性
// reducer: 对当前数据进行操作: 返回操作之后的数据
// 传入参数为 (state,action), 根据action对原数据state执行不同的操作
// 例如下面的f1,原始数据为state=0,有增减两种操作
// reducer: f1
// const f1 = (state = 0, action) => {
// switch (action.type) {
// case 'add':
// return state + action.value;
// case 'sub':
// return state - action.value;
// default:
// return state;
// }
// }
// String组件想修改Number组件中的值
// dispatch会递归调用所有reducer函数
const mapDispatchToProps = {
// 绑定到props的add中
add: (n) => {
// dispatch中传入的action
return {
type: 'add',
value: n,
sub: (n) => {
return {
type: 'sub',
value: n,
// 使用connet绑定String组件并返回一个新组件
export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(String);